Kathy Chin

November 23, 2004

Fall Colors


Fall is my favorite time of year. I like the breeziness and colors of the trees. The fall leaves have provided me with much inspiration in my art.

Posted by kathychin at 11:59 AM | Permalink

November 20, 2004

Simultaneous Motion


The sound and movement of balls shooting out of rectangular opening combined to make an exciting scene. It created a randomness that was never the same.

Posted by kathychin at 11:47 AM | Permalink

November 17, 2004

Blue, White and Gold


Standing in one spot, I turned clockwise to capture the full spectrum of what I saw in the sky. The simple composition of the poles and birds flying overhead captured my attention. I appreciate the pure forms and colors. Pure joy.

Posted by kathychin at 12:01 AM | Permalink

November 16, 2004

Portrait of a Bird


Watching their flight inspires me. I have an immense affection for birds, for the freedom and independence they represent. I think I learn to appreciate them from my father who use to tend to them, feed them, and admire them. He cared a lot for animals. He taught me about the value of life.

I saw them in a parking structure today and they were fluttering about me. They brought me happiness and sadness at the same time. They reminded me of unfree my lovebirds are inside their cage.

Posted by kathychin at 5:50 PM | Permalink

Night Driving Along the Boulevard


The city looks different at night - more mysterious with the buildings highlighted by lights and people lit by street lights. I tried to capture that sense of serenity when I am driving at night.

Posted by kathychin at 12:47 AM | Permalink

November 12, 2004

Puffy White Clouds


This was one of my more pleasant morning drives in Los Angeles. It was a clear day with light traffic, though the opposing traffic was heavy. I was able to just drive and enjoy the sun and clear sky. The mountains to either sides of the freeway added to the pleasantness.

Posted by kathychin at 3:02 PM | Permalink

November 9, 2004

Urban Sunset


The reminder that I live in a congested city is everywhere. Not like I am complaining. I don't think I can handle a place where there's any less going on. Instead of seeing it for all the smog, the traffic, and the overpopulation here, I appreciate it for its energy and liveliness. Even as I steal a glimpse of the beautiful Los Angeles sunset, the dominate view is composed of powerlines and apartment buildings. They powerlines and tops of buildings create designs against the sky that are beautiful in their own way. The sunset becomes the backdrop highlighting urban living.

Posted by kathychin at 5:18 PM | Permalink
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