Kathy Chin

June 13, 2006

Devolving into Nothingness

Devolving into Nothingness
(3/6/2006 - 5/15/2006)
Black LaserJet ink on paper and shredder
Dimensions variable

Steeped in existential and feminist thought, Kathy Chin uses photography and video to express her dark artistic vision. In Devolving into Nothingness, she questions meaning and meaninglessness, order and disorder, and construction and deconstruction. Her work takes on a stark and desolate tone through composites of black and white printouts of her photographs. To allow the audience to experience the process of decay, she invites viewers to shred her thoughts captured in still frames. Out of a need to hold on, she photographs obsessively, but she realizes the futility of her efforts. Chin graduated from UCLA with a double major in Psychobiology and Women's Studies.

Posted by kathychin at 3:22 AM | Permalink
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