Kathy Chin

July 9, 2004

Tori Amos

My digital drawing of Tori Amos. She is my favorite singer.

On being nobody else's girl...

Tori Amos is my favorite singer, my inspiration. She makes me cry, she comforts, she gives me hope. I feel less alone when I am listening to her. She is the best friend I never had. She speaks to me. She listens. She understands. Of course, that's her magic. That's why she has such a cult following. Yes, Tori, I am a member of your cult.

When I first listened to her in college, I was hooked. I was first introduced to her through my boyfriend at UCLA. Her first album that I listened to was "Little Earthquakes" with my boyfriend. It was special times. I was young, confused, still trying to figure things out...still trying to figure life out. Yet those were the carefree days. She spoke to me. She crept under my skin and I haven't been able to shake her. She inspired me to become a woman who shows women-in-the-making their way. We all need a Tori in our lives.

The song that really touched me from "Little Earthquakes" was "Girl." I used to play it repeatedly until everyone around me were sick of it and sick of me. I didn't mind. It's still special to me. Through "Girl," Tori taught me strength, the importance of being my own person, and nobody else's girl. Here's how it goes...

From in the shadow
She calls
And in the shadow
She finds a way
And in the shadow
She crawls
Clutching her faded photograph
My image under her thumb
Yes with a message for my heart
She's been everybody else's girl
Maybe one day she'll be her own
Everybody else's girl
Maybe one day she'll be her own

And in the doorway
They stay and laugh
As violins fill with water
Screams from the bluebells
Can't make them go away
We'll I'm not seventeen
But I've cuts on my knees
Falling down
As the winter takes one more cherry tree
Rushin' rivers thread so thin limitation
Dreams with the flying pigs turbid blue
And the drugstores too safe
In their coats
Anda in their do's
Yeah smother in our hearts
A pillow to my dots
One day maybe
One day
One day she'll be her own

And in the mist
There she rides
And castles are burning in my heart
And as I twist I hold tight
And I ride to work every morning
Wondering why
"Sit in the chair and be good now" And become all that they told you
The white coats enter her room
And I'm callin' my baby
Callin' my baby
Callin' my baby
Callin' everybody else's girl
Maybe one day she'll be her own

Posted on June 6, 2004 at 2:34 am
Posted by kathychin at July 9, 2004 8:06 PM
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