Kathy Chin

July 21, 2006

Stream of Consciousness

sketch1.gifRecently, I've been enjoying the great summer weather and slacking off on my sketches. I love to doodle in my sketchbook and today I had a sudden urge to pick up my pen and draw. When I sketch, I am happy if my work ends up revealing what's on my mind. That's when I know it's successful.

Having a background in Psychobiology, it's not surprising to me that my drawings often take on more natural, fluid forms, reminiscent of cellular structures, floral patterns, and organic shapes. Sketching is a very important and integral part of my practice. The process keeps my thoughts flowing and my hand loose. Through art, I am trying to access my mindscape.

Posted by kathychin at July 21, 2006 7:31 PM
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