Kathy Chin

May 15, 2007

Beauty is.

crowI have a fascination for birds, especially crows. On a recent walk through my neighborhood, I noticed a crow sitting on a powerline. It was very still but attentive. As I pointed my camera at it, it started keeping tabs on me.

Its behavior confirmed my thought that photography is invasive. In trying to capture a moment, I have altered it. Beauty is. If I try to hold on to it too much, I will destroy it. The lone crow serves as a reminder of that for me. There's no photograph that could properly convey what I felt at that moment or how the crow reacted to me. Our awareness of each other and that shared moment in time and space can only exist in our minds. In learning to live in the moment, I am free.

Posted by kathychin at May 15, 2007 2:32 PM
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