Kathy Chin

July 31, 2004

All the pretty horses...


They gallopped and pranced elegantly around the field. With their mane perfectly groomed, hoofs polished, they displayed their artistry and perfection of movement as they lept over obstacles set up to test their speed and precision.

Using the Nikon Super Coolscan 9282 Film/Slide scanner, I scanned in my color chromes of horses. Seeing the high resolution scans brought them back to life. I can see them in my mind, galloping and prancing about. I remember how they would sneeze at me, with that green hay coming out of their nostrils. They look magnificent. Seeing the chromes I took of them brought back the joy I experience around horses. They are one of my favorite subjects. They bring me much joy and serenity. I can spend all day with them watching them go about their day - eating, sleeping, roaming around the field.

When I am around them, I feel as though time has stopped and all that matters is my relationship with them. I gaze into their eyes and we seem to have an mutual understanding. At the stable, the smell of hay and horses nostalgic for simplier times, for a time when they roam freely around the wilderness. Now they've become our pets, and that makes me sad. We have taken away their freedom. We have invaded into their wilderness. They are the most beautiful creatures. My love affair with horses will last forever.

Posted by kathychin at July 31, 2004 7:03 AM
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