Kathy Chin

August 6, 2004

Santa Claus Melons: Christmas in August


I saw these melons at the market tonight and decided to try one out. I am quite adventurous when it comes to trying out new fruits and vegetables. Initially I wasn't sure if the melon I was looking at was considered a fruit or vegetable. Some looked like they were part of the squash family. The one I ended up buying appeared to be a cross between a watermelon and a cantaloupe.

At the checkout counter, I learned that the one I chose was called a Santa Claus melon. What a funny name! I felt like it was Christmas in the August. I wonder why they are called that. I am looking forward to see what it looks like inside. Hopefully, it tastes good. It's not ripe enough to eat yet.

Posted by kathychin at August 6, 2004 12:03 AM
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