Yesterday, I felt fortunate to watch the metro pass again, in a neighborhood east of the 10 freeway. I like the anticipation created by the sound that signals its arrival. The perpendicular passing of the metro cuts across my straight path, causing me to pause. The orange stripe looks familiar, one which reminds me of the RTD bus system in Los Angeles. Perhaps that's why I am fascinated by the sight of the metro passing - that it takes me back to my childhood, getting around town on the bus before I was old enough to drive.
The orange stripe represents freedom from the confines of home. Now that I sit in the confines of my car with the AC blasting in my face, the metro breaks my rhythm, makes me think, and gives me a break in traffic. Though not for long - not a minute has passed before the impatient driver in back of me started honking, jolting me out of my nostalgia and back into reality.