Kathy Chin

September 14, 2004

Pay Phones on the Verge of Extinction?


On my visit to downtown L.A. today, I encountered a pay phone. It caught my attention because I don't remember using it since I was in junior high, calling my boyfriend at the time from outside the local grocery store. I have fond memories of the pay phone, especially the one I have photographed.

I used to see them on practically every street corner. Now they are far and few in between. The pay phone has been around for as long as I can remember, but I haven't touched it in years. Neither has anyone else I know. Coin-operated is so yesterday.

The old has become the new again. I took notice of an object that might not be around much longer, or at least it will be hard to find. When I can't find one, I will miss it. I will feel guilty when it goes away. I, along with everyone else I know, would have caused its demise. I felt sadness and a sense of urgency at the thought that the pay phone might not be here one day. That's a fact of life, progress, and evolution. Nothing lasts forever.

Posted by kathychin at September 14, 2004 12:49 AM
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