Kathy Chin

July 1, 2004

Top 20 String Searches for femspace.com

My femspace weblog is a pretty popular site. The top 20 search strings are as follows for the month of June. They are always amusing. They reveal to me topics that people around the world search for and are interested in. I see what has brought visitors to my site. Somehow sex is still very popular. When is it not? I am glad to see Enrique Iglesias made the list. He's one of my favorite boys. :)

1. genevieve gallen
2. heidi fleis
3. yulia volkova
4. enrique iglesias and anna kournikova
5. women on death row
6. carnie wilson nude
7. anastasiya myskina
8. junk in the trunk
9. tennis sex
10. female ejaculations
11. finger nails
12. sexsomnia
13. anna kournikova married
14. how to cheat without getting caught
15. ann pachett
16. lena tatu 2004
17. gloria steinum
18. how to get a bigger butt
19. maria sharapova
20. women of home depot

Posted by kathychin at July 1, 2004 1:10 AM
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