Kathy Chin

October 9, 2004

Olympic and Westwood Blvd. 6:07pm


Olympic Blvd. is a nice drive. I like cutting through all the different neighborhoods and see it change from Koreatown, Miracle Mile, Beverly Hills, Century City, Westwood, West LA, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. On the corner of Olympic and Westwood Blvd., I documented the traffic pattern as I was stopped at a stop light.

The fact that this traffic pattern is unique made it special for me. Life is live moment by moment. It's all the different moments in our lives, added up that gives meaning at the end. Hopefully, at the end, life would have meant something. The traffic has a life of its own. I feel alienated, isolated in my car. I don't interact with others besides honking at them or being honked at. When I look out of the metal container I am in, this is what I see. Sitting in traffic is a part of my day, of most people's day...so it's meaningful.

Posted by kathychin at October 9, 2004 9:40 PM
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