Kathy Chin

October 12, 2008

Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me

After a week of not being able to drive to the beach on a whim, I missed it terribly. Today I finally went and it was a bit of a homecoming. It was low tide when I got there. The rocks that the waves usually crash down on were exposed. Seagulls played hop scotch on them, looking for their next meal. Small kids followed their lead, as they skipped around from one mossy rock to another.

The seagulls and children brought out the child in me. I wanted to join them then, but I was too comfortable laying on my stomach, tanning. I was again in another string bikini, which in my boyfriend's words, "is quite a bikini." I'll leave it at that. I'll continue tanning...

Looking up at the sky and out into the vast blue ocean, I felt like I lived in a fish bowl. I felt the most relaxed and comfortable. The warm sand embraced me. I got lost in the magnificent love of the sun. I can't live without it. I can't get enough of it. Don't let the sun go down on me. Don't let the sun go down on me.

Posted by kathychin at October 12, 2008 9:06 PM
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