Kathy Chin

September 21, 2004

Fight for Heavenly Space


Golden rays of sunlight bounce off windows and casts long shadows that turn me into a tall green giant on the grass. It's that time special time of day before twilight that I can still enjoy the warm glow of the sun. I looked up and noticed the buzzing powerlines that clutter the airspace around me.

Amid the array of lines that supplies the energy for the city, that provides people with their entertainment and productivity, erupts the cross. I almost missed it amid the busy traffic of lines and tall buildings. In the city, the church and all that it represents fight for air space. It also fights for spiritual space. Many people in the city are too busy, too caught up in their pursuit of happiness to heed the call of religion, at least organized religion.

I once heard that Los Angeles is a soul-less place. I disagree. It has a soul, even a spiritual one, though maybe that favored spirit. God isn't the only force at work. In Los Angeles, sometimes God's nemesis takes over. And people forget that we are all bound in a common destiny. We share in a struggle for happiness, fulfillment, and perhaps enlightenment. I sometimes lose sight of what's important in life. It's easy to do in the city, which offer as many opportunities for self-enlightenment and well as self-destruction.

Posted by kathychin at 1:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

September 20, 2004

The Carnival Came to My Town

While I was out on a walk with my dog and boyfriend, I noticed that the carnival has finally come to my town. The sight of the fun house, slide, and swinger filled me with childhood joy. When I was a child I waited for the carnival to come to my school like I anticipated the arrival of Christmas every year. I would ask my mom for some money to spend of the rides and pink cotton candy.

Seeing the children walking excitedly towards the rides was like seeing myself as a child. I felt excitement seeing the red and white striped ticket booth where I used to buy tickets for all the wild rides, at least they were pretty wild when I was in elementary school. I don't have kids so instead I took my dog to the carnival tonight. She was enjoying the crowd and festivities. I was too. The carnival should come to town more often. The child is still alive within me. Thank god. I long to return to a time when life was simpler and the day seemed to go on forever.


Posted by kathychin at 1:04 AM | Permalink

September 14, 2004

My very own flash site.

I've finally posted a Flash version of kathychin.com about my love for art, photography, and life. You can find the link to it on the left side navigation on this site. I created this site using Macromedia Flash (Version: MX 2004) during this past summer. In it you'll see some photos that I've taken and art projects that I've created. Due to the huge bandwidth that Flash requires, make sure you have broadband before you click on it. Bandwidth consideration also limited the amount of information I included on the site. I love the arts but I also love to write. I've tried to convey how different people, animals, and things influence my creative process.

Posted by kathychin at 8:29 PM | Permalink

Pay Phones on the Verge of Extinction?


On my visit to downtown L.A. today, I encountered a pay phone. It caught my attention because I don't remember using it since I was in junior high, calling my boyfriend at the time from outside the local grocery store. I have fond memories of the pay phone, especially the one I have photographed.

I used to see them on practically every street corner. Now they are far and few in between. The pay phone has been around for as long as I can remember, but I haven't touched it in years. Neither has anyone else I know. Coin-operated is so yesterday.

The old has become the new again. I took notice of an object that might not be around much longer, or at least it will be hard to find. When I can't find one, I will miss it. I will feel guilty when it goes away. I, along with everyone else I know, would have caused its demise. I felt sadness and a sense of urgency at the thought that the pay phone might not be here one day. That's a fact of life, progress, and evolution. Nothing lasts forever.

Posted by kathychin at 12:49 AM | Permalink

September 11, 2004

Remembering Life


As I was driving, I noticed dark, brooding clouds headed my way. Seldom do I see ominous, dark clouds in Los Angeles. It was a change. I wasn't feeling too happy. I was remembering 9/11 three years ago and thinking about the people who were in my life then...how special they were and how they are not all here with me. The clouds symbolize death that hovers over us, the darkness and unknown, that inevitably come to claim our lives, whether we are ready for it or not.

The bird soaring high in the vast sky represents the joy of life. Its free flight reminds me of our freedom to think, create, worship, and live as we want. It is life itself.


Posted by kathychin at 9:20 PM | Permalink

September 5, 2004

Propane Penis

On the property of United Rentals stood a container of propane shooting up into the sky.


Posted by kathychin at 4:04 AM | Permalink

Do We Really Own Anything?

While I was shopping today, I stumbled upon a destruction/construction site. I started poking around, trying to figure out what is being built and more interestingly, what was being torn down. I noticed the piles of stones, pipes, and metal beams that were used to support the wrecked building.

As I walked around the enclosed construction site, I saw a sign that explained the whole situation. It was the death of a United Rentals building. I have never noticed it until now. It's one of those things that you don't miss until it's gone. The sign read,"Moving to Our Van Nuys Location. Eminent Domain has forced us to move to Van Nuys United Rentals." I sensed a hint of bitterness in the sign. There was another sign that announced that the location will be the future site of the new West Los Angeles Animal Services Center.

Seeing the destruction of United Rentals prompted me to question if we truly own anything. I found out that under the United States Constitution, the government can take and use property for public purpose. In exchange for the land, the government provides landowners "just compensation" for the property. According to the sign, this is what happened with United Rentals.

It saddened me to see the destruction.


Posted by kathychin at 3:43 AM | Permalink

Where do the garbage trucks come from?

Early mornings, hours before I awake, I often hear garbage trucks coming by our neighborhood emptying trash cans full of waste. I wonder where they come from and where they go dump the trash. I still don't know what unfortunate neighborhood they dump our trash at, but the trucks may come from a lot where they I found them parked.


Posted by kathychin at 2:56 AM | Permalink
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