Kathy Chin

September 21, 2004

Fight for Heavenly Space


Golden rays of sunlight bounce off windows and casts long shadows that turn me into a tall green giant on the grass. It's that time special time of day before twilight that I can still enjoy the warm glow of the sun. I looked up and noticed the buzzing powerlines that clutter the airspace around me.

Amid the array of lines that supplies the energy for the city, that provides people with their entertainment and productivity, erupts the cross. I almost missed it amid the busy traffic of lines and tall buildings. In the city, the church and all that it represents fight for air space. It also fights for spiritual space. Many people in the city are too busy, too caught up in their pursuit of happiness to heed the call of religion, at least organized religion.

I once heard that Los Angeles is a soul-less place. I disagree. It has a soul, even a spiritual one, though maybe that favored spirit. God isn't the only force at work. In Los Angeles, sometimes God's nemesis takes over. And people forget that we are all bound in a common destiny. We share in a struggle for happiness, fulfillment, and perhaps enlightenment. I sometimes lose sight of what's important in life. It's easy to do in the city, which offer as many opportunities for self-enlightenment and well as self-destruction.

Posted by kathychin at September 21, 2004 1:12 AM
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