Kathy Chin

October 2, 2004

Black Angels Fly into the Depth of Night


I live in a city that does not sleep at night. I don't sleep much at night so it's a great match. After midnight is when all the interesting characters come out. Tonight while driving through West Hollywood, I saw a couple of well-built and tanned guys walking around in their black briefs and black angel wings. They were as much a turn-on as the Victoria Secret models. Their struts were confident and sexual. They were turning heads all around them. Too bad I didn't get a snap of them.

The interesting, random patterns created by this brightly lit city intriqued me. The abstraction of shapes and compositions in the dark gave me a sense of the layout of city without overwhelming my senses. The interactions between street and traffic lights, neon signs and interiorly lit buildings create an energy of constant motion and change. Nothing is static for long.

Posted by kathychin at October 2, 2004 3:45 AM
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